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25: Learn how a business stays fueled for long-term growth with Josh York- The Franchise Story Podcast

In this episode we’re with Josh York, the founder and CEO of GYMGUYZ, to talk about what FUELs your business forward, and how to stay motivated when all you want to do is throw in the towel. In 2008, Josh started GYMGUYZ to meet the demand for customized, convenient home personal training. Since then, he has grown GYMGUYZ to operate over 200 franchised locations in 3 countries, and achieved the prestigious honor of ranking No. 292 in the 2018 Inc. 500 list, after growing 1670% from 2014-2017. Josh takes no breaks, holds no hostages, and doesn’t mince words. He NEVER stops moving, and is constantly looking for a way to take his company to the next level. Join us to learn how a business stays fueled for long-term growth.

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